Butr Studio

Each extraordinary BUTR STUDIO bouquet is hand-picked from the freshest of blooms. Just like the finest works of art, no two are the same. Bouquets can range from one flower variety to a huge range of flowers. BUTR STUDIO florists are inspired by colours and textures that combine to create a masterpiece suitable for the most luxurious surroundings or to let that special someone know they’re cared for. What you can expect: A flower-heavy-focused bouquet of fresh flowers, brought together by experienced florists with a love of artistry. Filler flowers and greenery will be kept to an absolute minimum.

We service from Mildura to Redliffs, Merbein to Gol Gol and everywhere in between. If you need to delivery to a certain area, give us a call to see if we can help you!

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